(Manual Reference)


Adult may be any age. Children must be under 18 or 18 and in school full time.

Verify - accept A/R statement for age; however, school attendance must be verified if child 18 and included in TANF.

Application for Other Benefits


Applicant/Recipient must apply for and accept all monetary benefits (other than TANF) that any AU member is entitled to receive. 

Verify - provide the A/R with a verification checklist and a deadline to verify that application for other benefits has been made.

Assistance Unit Size/Composition 


Use a combination of SFU and relationship criteria to establish an AU.
Child Support Services


Recipients must assign their rights to child support to the state. Referrals must be made for all absent parents.


Must be a US Citizen or see ESS 1015 for alien policy.

Third party verification of citizenship and alien status is required for all applicants and recipients of TANF. Section 1310 of the policy manual lists acceptable forms of verification.



For single parents, child must be deprived of one or both parents due to continued absence or death. If both parents are in the home, one must be incapacitated or have a recent connection to the work force for the child to be eligible.


Each person must provide SSN or proof that they have applied for SSN -- good cause may apply for failure to provide

Verify - A/R statement of SSN or provide proof of application for SSN

Family Cap


AU began receiving TANF after May 1, 1997- AU may not be eligible for incremental increase in Family Maximum for an added child if parent received TANF for 10 months prior to the birth of the child and child conceived while parent receiving TANF. 
AU received cash assistance prior to May 1, 1997 - (A) If parent received for 24 months between January 1994 and April 1997, AU will not be eligible for an incremental increase in Family Maximum for an added child if parent received TANF during the month of conception.
(B) If AU did not receive 24 months of cash assistance between January 1994 and April 1997, the 10 month time period applies beginning with May 1, 1997.


Children under 7, not in school, must verify at application that immunization series has been started. As long as a child is receiving TANF, the A/R must verify that immunizations are current. Use Form 3227 or other certification from health providers.


All A/Rs are required to declare in writing at the time of application, review, or when adding a new AU member whether they are convicted or fleeing felons or probation or parole violators. If so, they are not eligible. See CLs for more details.
Living Arrangement of a Minor Parent (MCT)


A minor parent and his/her child must reside in the home of the minor parent's parent or legal guardian; see manual for good cause reasons.

Verify - A/R statement accepted

Prenatal Care


Monthly prenatal visits will be monitored at every PRP or PWP review. The pregnant woman must verify she attended at least one prenatal checkup in the last 90 day period.


All children in the AU must be related to and living in the home with the person receiving assistance on their behalf. Check the manual for a list of acceptable relationships.

Verify - A/R statement accepted



Must live or intend to live in Georgia; permanent dwelling or fixed address not required

Verify - Accept A/R statement 

Standard Filing Unit (SFU) 
In addition to dependent child(ren), the AU is required by law to include the siblings (half, whole, and adoptive) and parents (natural and adoptive) of all minor children.
48-Month Time Limit


Beginning 1/1/97, each month an AU receives cash assistance, transportation, incidentals, or TANF in another state counts toward the 48-Month LIFETIME limit in GA.
Work Requirement


AU members must participate in the work program unless they meet an exemption.

See Work Programs Exemptions chart for more information.